The break "Nature in Immersion"
For immediate well-being.
A moment to yourself...
To relax and regain energy.
President of CSDC and founder of the brand SensoLife @ (registered)
Catherine Silvestrin is an expert in Management and supports institutions and organizations in both the private and public sectors:
Acting for 20 years in different sectors like banks, insurance, automobile, luxury, telecom, pharmaceuticals, hospitals and, clinics, she is particularly sensitive to the concept of Well-Being at Work, to the development of employees, she is seeking the fulfillment and motivation of teams within their professional environment so to prevent and avoid any psycho-social risk like depression or burn-out..
She is president of CSDC Development of Skills, a training and coaching organization on the themes of Management, crisis management, conflicts and stress. Lecturer at the Grandes Ecoles (Centrale Supélec, La Sorbonne, ESSEC), she trains future managers/directors in Quality of Life at Work & Working Conditions, respect and recognition of the individual for a "better being and better doing together".
Executive Coach, sophrologist, she has been supporting more particularly since the Covid years the nursing staff in difficulty (head of department / head of pole / Doctor / Midwife...)
She founded the SensoLife virtual reality solution to relieve all personnel and provide "immediate well-being" by offering an immersive break in nature.
Reduces stress and discomfort; the SensoLife immersive solution "re-boosts" anyone thanks to the "sensory escapes" in natural universes, selected and produced by the SensoLife team.
" Testing the solution means adopting it, for your well being " !
The health benefits associated with virtual reality
The "immersive pause" activates the brain reconnecting to sensory memory.
(limbic to neocortex).
The immediate effects
- Reduction of anxiety and stress thanks to a virtual "nature bath".
- Muscle relaxation and deep breathing.
- Relaxation like the effect of a micro nap.
- Mental recharge through positive visualization.
- Taking a step back and well-being.
Virtual reality is used in the field of health and therapeutic care:
Treatment of phobias, addictions, post-traumatic stress disorder,
OCDs, schizophrenia, behavioral disorders...
SensoLife adresses at any public or private organization, which has the deep desire to develop the fulfillmentof its staff within their working environment.; By granting each individual the right to disconnect through "a restorative break" of anti-stress and anti-illness? a feeling of "Better Being" such as a mental recharge of positive energy. The immersive SensoLife, the break of around 10 minutes by wearing a 360° virtual reality mask, allows an immediate sensory escape.
Why SensoLife ?
It is vital for our brain to take temporary breaks to recharge in energy., This disconnection to a “natural elsewhere” contributes to the improvement of dopamine.; This sensory break responds to a fundamental need for maintaining the mental health of the individual.
Take the time to better reconnect with «Yours-self», to find yourself, to recharge your batteries and feel your mind regain energy; which allows you to be more confident and, relaxedfacing urgent daily professional tasks.
It is recommended for better efficiency, a relaxation area in business, an environment which permits a positive mental recharging.
Management Consultants for over 20 years ; experts in Quality of Life at Work,
Tthe SensoLife team accompanies any organisation regarding a Management
"Responsible for the human quality, the means and their effects
on the health of any employee".
The goal of SensoLife, acting in Social and Environmental Responsibility,
is to act for a "Better Being together"....
SensoLife is the 360° immersive solution "of an essential sensory break"
in working environments; "Nature in Immersion" break which allows you to let go, relax,
escape, the resource for an "Immediate well-being."
SensoLife, reconnect with yourself!
" SensoLife...A real feeling of disconnection!" according to our users :
- 100% of participants in the SensoLife experience
recommend the "Nature in Immersion" break
- For 48% of them, the immersive break helped them recharge their batteries.
- For 52%, it helped them feel better.
For the Neuroscience Researcher Michel Le Van Quyen (INSERM)
our brain looks like a forest:
"Our brain is much more like a forest; with nerve cells connected to each other like so many interacting trees."
Scientific studies demonstrate the positiv nature impact on our mental health and our emotions, validating intuitions and popular common sense which recommends "taking the air to clear our minds"; thus nature suspends inner conflicts and appeases; it improves attention and concentration.
These effects are also confirmed in immersion via virtual reality.
Brain and Nature by Michel Le Van Quyen.
"Spend time outside your brain" MRI study by Kuhn & Al (World Journal of Biological Psychiatry July 2021)
The role of Micro Breaks in attention restoration: Lee & Al The journal of Environmental Psychology June 2015.
Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 published :
That Contacts with Nature improve mood by reducing the activity of the prefrontal Cortex ; Test results showed that viewing images of Nature significantly increased comfort and relaxation,; reduced negative affect such as depression, psychological stress and anxiety ; Eeven by using virtual images ; looking at forest landscapes is proven to increase Emotional Well-Being through Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FIRM), calming and relaxing the brain. Viewing images of Nature could have therapeutic effects for patients by modulating the activity of the Prefrontal Orbital Cortex (OFC) and potentially the amygdala.
The Nature Therapy Project conducted at the Center for Environmental Health Sciences of Chiba University in Japan.
Sources : Mantler A. Logan AC Natural Environments and Mental Health. McMahan EA. Estes D. The impact of contact with natural environments on positive and negative effects.
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41 Rue Carnot, 94700 Maisons-Alfort. France.